Tips For Falmouth with SUE S.
- Falmouth can be a party race but save the adult beverages until your post-race celebration. It can be hot and humid, so hydrate for the race with water or sports drink, not alcohol.
- The crowds are exciting! But don’t let that energy prompt you to go out too fast. Savor the scenery and ease into your pace over the first miles.
- Nearly 13,000 runners will descend on the small village of Woods Hole before the start. Plan extra time to get there (and get to the porta potty).
- Wear sunscreen. Always wear sunscreen.

About Sue
I have been racing for 40 years (first race was the Boston Milk Run 10K in 1982), after being a regular “jogger” since my high school gym teacher in the mid-1970s introduced us to the concept of aerobics and doing something for the rest of your life. I have run 22 marathons since 1984, over a span that includes an 18-year marathon hiatus while busy with kids (2000-2018). I ran Falmouth in 1987, ‘88, ‘89, ‘90 and ‘91. In 1992, after birth of first baby, I ran Falmouth in the Fall, the November version.
I am training now for the London Marathon, where I have been invited to participate in the Abbott World Marathon Majors WANDA Age-Group World Championship. I am 62 and a member of Tri-Valley Front Runners and the Cape Cod Athletic Club.
Happy trails!